
Top 7 Skincare Rituals to Make the Face Look Radiant This Spring

Let’s face it, it’s good to see the back of winter. Months of cold weather can leave our skin dry, dull, and itchy, so when spring is finally on the horizon, it is a great time to switch up the beauty skin care routine to get back that radiant, glowing look.

Seasonal Skin Changes

There are many reasons why our skin takes a beating during the winter, so having the same face skin care routine all year won’t offer the same benefits every season. Winter is not a skin-friendly season and while the UV rays are not as harsh, it often triggers breakouts, cracking, redness, skin irritation, and oiliness.

Cold temperatures and warm indoor heating exposes our skin to rapidly fluctuating temperatures, and dry, icy winds affect the skin’s barrier and strips away the moisture. If you suffer from eczema or rosacea, your symptoms may get worse in winter making inflammation and redness more pronounced.

It’s not just the temperatures that have damaging effects, but our diets and lifestyles change too to compensate for the cold weather. Spicy foods, more alcohol, and less exercise all play a part in skin health throughout the frosty season. Therefore, winter is the ideal season to frequently visit a skin care clinic in London for extra pampering and nourishment.

Spring is the Season for Your Skin

Spring is a beautiful time of year when everything comes back to life and it puts a skip back in our step. As the weather warms up and there’s more humidity in the air, our skin readjusts, and the natural oils are back in balance.

It’s a time of transition, so even if you’re investing in professional skin care sessions, make sure you’re investing time in applying a spring facial routine at home to prepare for the hot, social season when your skin takes center stage.

Face skin care routine

Top 7 Skincare Rituals

Changing to warmer temperatures, being more exposed to UV rays, and regular outdoor activity are good reasons to change to a spring skincare routine. Incorporating these top 7 habits in spring with quality products will help with anti-aging and get your skin in optimal shape for the summer months ahead.

Best home skin care rituals for spring

In between those visits to the skincare clinic, it’s important to stick to these following rituals at home that maintain healthy, glowing skin.

  • Moisturizing masks

A moisturizing face mask should be part of your weekly skin routine to clear the skin from excess oil and impurities, and to provide hydration. Your skin type and mask type will determine how often to apply a moisturizing mask, but generally they can be used once to twice a week. Masking should always be followed by cleansing and toning and ending off with a light moisturizer.

  • Exfoliating face scrubs

Gentle exfoliation at least three times a week helps scrub away dead skin cells, and bacteria while unblocking pores. This helps refresh and brighten the skin for a smoother complexion. It is also beneficial during acne or spot breakouts. First cleanse the skin to remove excess dirt and make-up before starting exfoliation.

  • Facial mists

Facial mists are convenient products that can be used anytime and anywhere. A good spritz will help add hydration, improve the absorption of moisturizers, soothe, and nourish the skin, tighten pores, and defend against harmful bacteria. Facial misting can also help relieve sunburn and irritated skin.

Best clinical skincare rituals for spring

The following treatments are great options to include as part of your spring skincare routine when visiting your beauty clinic. Speak to your dermatologist on which method would best suit your requirements to enhance your skin health. Multiple sessions are generally needed over a period of a couple of months to maintain results.

  • Laser skin resurfacing

This is a specialized skin rejuvenation procedure for small areas of the skin using laser pulses that penetrate the top skin layers. It stimulates the body’s natural healing process to promote new skin tissue growth for healthier, smoother skin. Laser treatment works on reducing wrinkles, lines, skin tone and texture issues, pigmentation, and scars.

professional skincare
  • Chemical peeling

A chemical facial peel is done by applying a chemical solution that removes the top layers of the skin to get rid of dead skin cells. You can have a light, medium, or deep peel depending on desired results. During the healing process, new healthy skin cells grow, and collagen production is stimulated to improve the skin’s appearance and texture. It can treat a range of skin conditions.

  • Deep exfoliation facial

Deep exfoliation penetrates the skin layers to treat clogged pores, remove spots like blackheads, and eliminate dull and dead skin cells. This helps to generate a radiant glow, improve circulation, and enhance the overall appearance through rejuvenated skin cells. Deep exfoliation can help with dry, oily, sun damaged, and acne prone skin.

  • Dermal filler injections

Dermal fillers involve injecting the skin with a gel-like substance to restore volume lost through aging, smooth out lines and wrinkles, and enhance the face’s natural contours. It also increases collagen levels and hydration. Fillers enhance the skin while adding nourishment for a more youthful appearance.

Final Thoughts

Winter causes the accumulation of dry skin, triggers flare-ups of existing conditions, and can increase flakiness, itchiness, irritation, and redness. To put life back into your skin and improve its condition and health, it is necessary to apply home and clinical skincare techniques to promote rejuvenation.

Season changes, and environmental and lifestyle factors influence skin health, and the habit of looking after our skin comes with added benefits. When our skin is healthy and looking great, it not only improves our appearance, but our emotional and mental well-being as well. 

By implementing these rituals into your daily routine, it gives you time to do something nice for yourself while creating a moment of mindfulness that will ultimately improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Acne Scarring Treatment: Effective Methods and Tips

Dealing with acne breakouts and scars can be distressful and all too often, people rely on using off-the-shelf products, which yield poor results. However, there are effective and safe dermatological methods available that offer the best acne scar treatments to reduce and remove the damage caused by acne.

What is Acne and Acne Scars?

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition caused by excess oil production, hair follicles getting clogged with dead skin cells and oil, and/or bacteria that form pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It most commonly occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, and upper arms. While it is prevalent during puberty, acne can affect people of any age, both male and female, and it can be triggered by diet, stress, hormones, and medications.

Acne is not a serious health condition, but it does cause discomfort, emotional distress, and it can leave scars. Acne scars are permanent textural changes and depressions in the skin. But it is possible to get rid of acne scars and the earlier treatment starts with acne breakouts, the lower the risk of visible scarring.

Causes of Acne Scars

Once the acne clears up, it can leave scars, which is more likely in the following cases:

  • The acne was severe with cysts that penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • The acne is inflamed and not treated.
  • Picking or squeezing the acne will aggravate the inflammation and the acne.
  • Acne and scarring runs in the family.

Acne destroys the underlying skin tissue, which isn’t restored during the healing process when the body produces collagen. If there is too little collagen, the scars tend to be shallow indentations that could affect the surrounding tissue. Elevated acne scars can occur when too much collagen is produced, which can also appear as red lumps if the acne was chronic.

face with acne and acne scars

Acne and scarring have emotional side-effects as it causes people to feel embarrassed and self-conscious about their appearance and other people’s reactions. This is also intensified due to the myths around acne being caused by a lack of personal hygiene.

Having effective treatment at a dermatologist can be a life-changing experience that will restore not only the appearance of the skin but also self-confidence.

Acne Scar Treatment

If DIY home treatments really worked then acne scars could be easily cured. But not all scars are equal. Store bought products contain a range of ingredients that affect skin types differently and can cause different side-effects.

Acne scars vary in severity and can only be effectively treated by a professional who is trained to diagnose and apply the right treatment on an individual basis.

A dermatologist will discuss how to remove acne scars using the most popular and effective treatment methods that are best-suited to the patient’s skin condition.

FRAXEL Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for acne scars is a skin resurfacing technique that uses a non-invasive laser to penetrate the skin layers to stimulate new elastin growth and collagen production. The laser treatment can be applied on an area of the body by concentrating on a small area to smooth out the skin’s texture and reduce acne scarring.

Acne Skin Peel

Acne scar treatment in the UK can be applied using light, medium, and deep acne skin peels. Chemical peels work by removing the skin’s top layer to smooth out the texture and tone of the skin, unclogs pores, removes dead skin cells, and promotes the growth of healthy skin. Acne skin peels promote the production of collagen to aid in filling out acne scars.

Punch Technique

The punch graft technique is another method in how to treat acne scars. It works to improve depressed acne scars using a punch tool that cuts out the scar. A small skin graft is taken from an area such as behind the ear which is then put in place of the scar. The newly placed skin is held with sutures or surgical skin glue. Alternatively, the scar can be removed without replacing the skin and the small, punched opening is closed with sutures.


Subcision, also referred to subcutaneous incisional surgery, is a minor procedure to treat depressed cutaneous acne scars. A hypodermic needle is inserted into a puncture in the surface of the skin to disrupt the fiber strands that are holding the scar to the tissue. The release of the fiber strands coupled with a collagen deposit and the healing process leads to considerable improvement of the scar.

pop a deep pimple and acne treatment


Microdermabrasion skincare for acne scars is an effective procedure that uses a small handheld device to softly remove the skin’s outer layer to reveal a smoother and better toned skin. It is highly effective in treating depressed acne scars that are flat against the skin’s surface and is also helpful in treating mild and moderate acne breakouts.


Every person’s skin is unique. Discuss how to get rid of acne scars on your face with a specialist who will provide you with the best insight into what is the most suitable approach to treat the acne scars with your skin type.  

Home treatments cannot compare with professional procedures, so before wasting money on several products that won’t achieve the best results, speak to a dermatologist to get sound, expert advice.

What to expect from professional treatment

Side-effects such as swelling, pain, or redness will be temporary and usually subside after a few hours or days. To maintain results and avoid adverse reactions, be informed about the procedure, and always follow the dermatologist’s instructions before and after treatment:  

  • Depending on the severity of the acne scars, several sessions may be needed to treat the skin.
  • Be realistic and allow for at least 4 weeks to see noticeable changes.
  • Avoid exfoliating a few weeks after treatment and stick to a gentle skincare routine.
  • It is important to use sunscreen afterwards and refrain from tanning or harsh sun exposure as the skin will be sensitive and needs to heal.

Bags Under Eyes: Causes and Methods of Get Rid of Dark Circles

It is commonly thought that dark eye circles are due to a lack of sleep and being tired. While this can be the case, there are many other underlying reasons that could be the cause. If you find it is affecting your appearance, it may be an indication that you need to explore remedies that could involve lifestyle changes or medical advice.

Reasons for getting Bags under the Eyes

If you want to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, it is best to find the root cause instead of always treating the symptom. Typically, you will notice puffiness, mild swelling, or a darkened skin tone below the eyes.

Through the aging process, muscles weaken, and fatty tissue diminishes causing the skin to become thinner and to sag, particularly around the eyes. Although it is rare for bags under your eyes to be a symptom of a serious disorder, you still want to be able to rule out potential health conditions and make positive lifestyle changes that reduce the frequency and severity of bags and dark circles.

Common causes

Eye puffiness is more prominent in the morning, which can be temporary or last for hours. If you don’t suffer from any severe eye conditions or diseases, these are some of the possible causes that result in those baggy looking eyes. Identifying the cause will help find an effective dark circles remedy:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Allergies
  • Smoking
  • Aging
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Diet deficiency
  • Touching, rubbing your eyes too often
  • Genes
  • Thyroid issues
  • Dehydration
  • Fluid retention
  • High salt intake
Woman with under-eye patches

Check Your Health

The first step to healthy living is avoiding substance abuse, drinking enough water, getting exercise, having good sleeping habits, and following a balanced and nutritious diet.

There are several things to eliminate and include in your lifestyle that can impact your health for the better, which in turn will reduce the dark rings and bags under your eyes.

In some cases, opting for one of the new procedures for under eye bags, such as chemical peels, fillers, or laser therapy can be an effective solution. However, the following ways are the easiest methods to try first before spending money on treatments that you could otherwise resolve at home.


If you have a pattern of going to sleep late or having disrupted sleep, try exercising and using calming and de-stressing techniques that will induce sleep for longer.

UV Rays

Reduce sun exposure to your eyes and face, and always use a high-factor sunscreen.

Home Remedies

There are several home remedies that help remove dark circles under the eyes, which include using a cold press, or thickly cut chilled slices of cucumbers, or almond oil mixed with vitamin E, or soaking and chilling tea bags, which are gently placed over the eyes for at least 10 minutes.


A poor diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals is often the cause that affects the body’s physiology and functioning, and causes the stubborn bags under our eyes. Vitamin C, E, and K, and Iron and Lycopene are important vitamins rich in antioxidants that are integral in preventing damage caused by free radicals.

These elements help with blood circulation, collage production, reduce pigmentation, and promote skin and eye health. Great sources of foods high in these vitamins include guavas, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage, papaya, green leafy vegetables, legumes, and almonds.

When to see a doctor

If you have severe and painful swelling and discoloration, it may be time to visit a medical professional who will test you for an infection, allergies, or thyroid disease. Your doctor will determine if it’s necessary to refer you to an eye specialist.

Woman with concealer


Another reason for dark circles could also be the use of cosmetics, the way in which they are applied, and an incorrect skin care routine. Prolonged use of retinol products have also been known to exacerbate puffy eyes and dark rings under the eyes.

Additionally, when cleansing to remove make-up, you may not realize it, but rubbing the skin too hard can damage the eye capillaries and cause inflammation, making the dark circles under your eyes worse.  Quality make-up removers shouldn’t need a tough scrub to get rid of eyeliner, mascara, and powders. Always be gentle with your skin, especially the delicate areas under your eyes.

Using cosmetics to conceal dark circles and bags

Skin-lightening creams, concealers, eye creams, make-up, and special techniques can all help minimize the appearance of those puffy, dark eyes.

  • Keep an eye gel cooled in the refrigerator, so whenever you apply it, you get a soothing effect that helps constrict the blood vessels.  
  • Include the use of an eye mask in your daily skin care routine and afterwards hydrate the area around the eyes with a light eye cream.
  • Use a concealer that has orange undertones, which offers the best coverage for dark circles as the orange counteracts the dark circles. You can also use a concealer that matches your skin tone.
  • Use a white or nude eyeliner that brightens the eye area. You can also add a highlighter on your brow bone and inner parts of the eye area to open your face and detract from the dark areas.
  • Apply the concealer to the shadow and don’t try to cover the actual eye bag. Using a small and angled brush, apply the concealer just in the crease of the bag. Alternatively, use the pad of the ring finger, which is the weakest finger, so you don’t apply too much pressure.
  • Another technique for applying concealer is to do it in a triangle that starts from under your eye and goes down your cheek. It’s not about using a huge quantity of concealer because that will look obvious, it’s about the way it’s applied that makes a difference.

Adding a smidge of red lipstick to the eye bags and dark circles then covering it with foundation will help neutralize the baggy eye appearance.

When is it better to peel your face skin?

As the seasons shift, you may start noticing changes to your skin. When it’s colder, the skin is more prone to cracking, dryness, and inflammation. In contrast, when it gets warmer, your skin is more susceptible to sunburn and may feel greasier. Different seasons need different skin care routines, and a chemical face peel is a good place to start.

Best Times for Face Peels

While it’s not possible to control weather, it is possible to control your skin health. Although deep face skin peeling is generally not recommended during summer, there are lighter peels that can be done in spring and there you can adjust your skin care routines for different seasons to maintain optimal skin health.

In the warmer months, it is better to switch to lighter moisturizers and lotions to minimize an oil build-up and clogging of the skin, as well as regularly applying sunscreen. When moving from summer to autumn and then winter, you can start incorporating thicker face and body creams and serums to improve skin hydration.

In the colder months, it is also advisable to avoid long, hot showers, and overexposure to cold air and internal heating to prevent triggering issues like scaly skin on the face. However, self-care regimes are not always sufficient in treating skin problems, and that’s when face peels are highly effective.

Types of Peels

There is a wide choice when it comes to facial peels as they each use different ingredients and focus on treating different skin conditions. You can also choose from some of the best chemical peels for wrinkles that are effective as an anti-aging treatment that stimulates collagen to minimize facial lines and wrinkles.

Depending on your skin issue will also determine whether the treatment is applied superficially or applied to penetrate deeper layers of the skin.

  • Light or superficial chemical peels gently exfoliate the outer layer of the skin using mild acids.
  • Medium peels target the outer and middle layers of the skin are aimed at treating pigmentation issues and sun damage.
  • Deep peels penetrate deep into the skin layers to help with severe issues like acne.
Facial peeling

When is it better to do a chemical face skin peel?

Facial peels focus on removing dead skin cells to stimulate new cell growth and to increase the production of collagen and elastin that keeps the skin feeling supple and looking revitalized. Anyone can go for a facial peel to improve skin texture and tone, alleviate wrinkles, and treat sun damage.

However, if you have frequent breakouts and pigmentation that affects your appearance, you will see a great benefit from having a skin peel. Additionally, if you suffer from excessive dry peeling skin on the face, or flaky nose peeling, a chemical facial can help increase hydration and restore damaged skin cells.

The only time you should avoid face peels are when you are pregnant, sunburned, have open sores or an active infection.

Seasonal Face Peels

Because chemical peels remove the outer layer of the skin, sensitivity is heightened, and the treated area will peel. Avoiding the sun and caring for the skin properly is important to prevent infection and get the most out of your treatment.

Before Summer

Autumn, winter, and up to early spring are ideal for getting facial peel treatments because it is easier to avoid high sun exposure, and the air has less moisture, which helps the healing process and decreases the risk of sun damage. Chemical peels require multiple sessions for best results, so going for treatments during the cooler months offers the right time to get your skin ready for the summer.

After Summer

During the hot summer months, when time is mostly spent outdoors, your skin is subjected to UV rays that can cause skin tone changes, hyperpigmentation, and skin cell damage. Start treatment at the end of the season to help reduce the effects that the summer sun can have on your skin.

Frequency of Face Peels

During a facial peel, chemical solutions are applied to the skin, which causes the skin to blister and then peel off. The result is newer, smoother looking skin with regenerate skin cells.

Depending on the type of skin peel will depend on the frequency of sessions between treatments. For light peels, wait at least 4 weeks before the next session, while medium to deep peels can be applied once every 4 to 6 months.

Beautiful woman with clean skin

How is the procedure performed?

Whether you’re having a chemical peel for dark spots, wrinkles, acne, or dry T-zone peeling, the procedures are generally the same although the duration of the process may vary from 30 to 50 minutes.

  • The face is first cleaned, and you will be given protective eyewear.
  • In some cases, a topical anesthetic might be applied to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
  • The chemical solution is gently added to the face, which may cause sensations of stinging or burning. For even results
  • After a certain time, the chemical solution is removed, and a neutralizing solution may be applied.

It is important to prepare for a chemical peel by not applying make-up or retin-A products to the skin at least 2 days prior. You should also let your practitioner know if you are taking medication and if you have any existing health conditions so they can determine possible side-effects or complications. It is common to experience temporary redness, swelling, or dryness.

After the procedure, avoid strenuous and busy activities, and keep hydrated. Refrain from using warm and hot water on your skin as cooler water will soothe any stinging sensations. Your skin’s barrier will be initially compromised, so avoid exfoliating, and use quality, hydrating cream and a high-factor sunscreen.

Do not visit steam rooms or saunas as it will aggravate the skin and prolong the healing process. When your skin starts to feel normal again, you can resume your skin care routine to ensure the benefits of your skin peel are long-lasting.

When Is the Best Time to Start Laser Hair Removal Course?

The removal of unwanted body hair has been around for centuries and the many tedious processes available make this task a habitual one. Should you be considering a laser hair removal course, it would be well advised to commence this during autumn, winter, and spring months.

What is a Laser Hair Removal Course?

A laser hair removal clinic offers a professional service that uses a laser to remove unwanted body hair. This takes the form of a concentrated beam of light, in this case a laser beam, which creates heat energy that penetrates the hair follicles. The pigment in the hair follicle absorbs this energy and affects the process responsible for hair production. 

The impact effectively delays the production of new hair growth. This light energy is not absorbed by the skin, only the pigmentation in the hair follicle is affected, so no damage is caused to the skin itself. With improved technology, these days people with different skin tones all have the option of safely removing unwanted body hair. 

Although this process is highly efficient, it does not stop the growth immediately and multiple hair removal treatments are required initially. Subsequently, maintenance appointments can be made to keep everything in check.

How long does it usually last?

In today’s environment, lasers have come a long way from when they were first used for hair removal and the process is much more refined. Generally, the reason people decide to consider going the laser hair removal route, is to avoid the hassle of continuously removing body hair by either shaving, waxing, or plucking! 

Bear in mind that although laser hair removal is permanent, new hair will eventually start growing back so touch-up appointments would be required. The question everyone asks is how long will laser hair removal last?

laser hair removal for woman in armpits

The timeframe can be different for various areas of the body. Coarse underarm hair will react and take longer to reappear as opposed to very fine lip hair which responds slowly and may reappear quicker. So, there is not a specific timeline as it depends on the hair type, but generally speaking, body laser hair removal should last in the region of 2 years before any touch-ups are required.

Is there a best time to start a laser hair removal course?

When preparing for laser hair removal consult with your practitioner before the start of the sessions to determine the appropriate procedure for you, and discuss any medication you are on. The ideal time to consider starting a laser hair removal course would be when your skin has not had exposure to the sun, so the winter and spring months are ideal as the sun exposure factor is low. Should you go out, apply a high SPF cream to protect your skin from the UV rays.

woman getting laser hair removal

Why starting a Laser Hair Removal Course is best in winter?

Choosing the right time of the year to consider using a professional laser hair removal practitioner is easier when you are not exposed to the sun’s strong rays.  The time between autumn and spring is ideal as winter allows us to keep covered up and laser hair removal makes your skin temporarily very sensitive to the sun’s rays. 

This would also impact the course timeframe as it would be beneficial to have the process well completed before the onset of summer. People with tanned skin are discouraged from the procedure as the power of the laser equipment needs to be turned down, resulting in more laser treatments. So, a winter treatment option with paler skin will result in fewer treatments.

Clients would generally require a number of applications over a period of weeks, however, how often you need laser hair removal depends on the type of hair that that is being targeted. Facial hair, being finer, would require treatments around every 4-6 weeks and every 8-10 weeks for body hair.

These timeframes are a generalization as factors like age, medication, hormones, and genetics will influence the number of applications required and how often maintenance sessions are required after the initial application.

laser hair removal on legs

Active, regression and resting phases are the different stages of hair growth, and laser hair removal processes will be influenced by this. The laser hair removal process is designed to work on “active” hair growth, so between appointments, some hair will move from a resting phase to an active phase. 

These hairs will not have been affected by the first laser application but will now be targeted. Dormant hair follicles are not affected and at some stage, they may become active and start growing hair again.

Final Thoughts

Besides the initial thought of a laser being used to destroy hair follicles, the idea of having silky-smooth skin, the reduction of ingrown hair and not having to maintain a shaving or waxing regime makes the decision an easier one.  

How many laser sessions to permanently remove hair all depends on your physical attributes, as laser treatment performs differently on different people, however, the average timeframe is between 3 – 8 sessions to achieve permanent hair loss. 

After the first treatment, you will see a reduction in hair growth. There are additional benefits that add to this choice, one being the cost-saving as no more expensive wax treatments are need and there’s less stress and effort required to maintain a weekly hair growth.

Planning when to start laser hair removal should commence during the winter months which is far more beneficial than during the warmer seasons. Should you consider a summer season laser removal course, bear in mind that avoiding the sun’s exposure is an important factor to consider. 

This may hinder your activities during this time as you need to refrain from sun exposure for about a month after your final treatment to prevent skin damage and possible discoloration.  In order to get a silky-smooth skin ready for summer, give yourself sufficient time during winter to avoid disappointment!

Winter Skincare Tips For Every Skin Type: How to Treat Oily, Dry, Combination and Sensitive Skin in Winter

Winter is when you switch to your winter wardrobe and also to an alternative winter skincare regime. Skincare routines need to be adjusted depending on the season and weather condition whether you have dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin. Your skincare habits should be tailored to combat the damaging and drying effects that winter has on the skin.

Reasons to adapt your skincare routine to seasonal and weather conditions

Adverse changes in your skin can be attributed to the changing of seasons as well as environmental and lifestyle factors. In winter, the air’s moisture levels are lower which directly affects your skin and ultimately determines how much moisture your skin may need and what your winter skincare products will comprise. 

In summer months, many may experience signs of oily or greasy skin due to sweat-inducing temperatures. These seasonal conditions will require summer or winter skincare adjustments and specifications. The season’s hot days will determine if your skin needs a light foaming facial cleanser to remove excess oil or a creamier and hydrating facial cleanser during the colder months. 

Our skin is constantly adjusting to environmental pressures to maintain adequate moisture, pH balance and oil control.  Different winter skincare is required compared to summer and it is crucial to give your skin what it needs during these seasonal transitions.

How different seasons and climate changes affect our skin?

When transitioning from warm to cold climates, for example, from summer to autumn, changes in temperature and humidity decrease, disrupting the skin’s barrier. This disruption may increase susceptibility to inflammation and irritation as the cold weather requires your skin to work harder to maintain hydration and the loss of hydration can lead to cracked skin. Winter comes with climate changes and additional lifestyle changes that follow can play a role in skin health.

As the weather shifts from cold to warmer climates, you could experience greasy or oily skin as a result of oil getting trapped under the surface of the skin. It is normally in these circumstances that you will benefit from a winter skincare routine for oily skin to combat the increase in oil.

woman cares for skin with cream

What usually happens to our skin in winter?

The skin is stripped of its natural moisture during winter as the air becomes cold and dry and it functions as a protective barrier against the external environment. When winter hits, the skin produces fewer oils than usual, therefore the skin becomes more susceptible to damaging effects such as dryness. 

This is more common in people with sensitive or acne-prone skin. When temperatures and humidity drop, it’s tempting to take long, hot showers along with increasing the internal heating in the home, which results in skin being subjected to cracking, irritation, inflammation, and dryness due to the loss of moisture. This loss of hydration can affect the skin’s overall state and for that reason, your skin will benefit from a heavy, creamy, and hydrating cleanser to compensate for the loss of moisture during these times.

Winter Skincare Routine

For Oily Skin

Winter skincare for oily skin regime requires careful cleansing in the morning and evening with a water-soluble cleanser. Oily skin is prone to dead skin build-up which can block pores, so it’s important to exfoliate at least 3 times per week. 

When using a toner for oily skin, the skin rids itself of residual dirt before adding the next application. During the winter months, you need to consider using an oil-free moisturiser. There are many available in a gel form that are water-based and enriched with vitamin E. Look for creams that have calming and soothing effects on the skin.

For Dry Skin

A skincare routine for dry skin in winter changes slightly to using a balm, oil or cream cleanser. Foaming and bubbly cleansers contain sulphates that tend to dry the skin further. Exfoliate in moderation, as the skin is already dry and excessive scrubbing will dehydrate the skin even more. 

It is advisable to skip the toner during the winter months, as these generally contain alcohol to absorb oils, and will dry out the skin even more. Use an alcohol-free face mist as an alternative. Switch your moisturiser from a lotion to a cream, as they contain emollients that are more important for a winter skincare routine for dry skin during low-humidity conditions.

girl cares for skin

For Combination Skin

Winter skincare for combination skin can be a bit challenging as you are dealing with oily and dry skin types. A morning routine using a gentle cleanser to clean your face is important to rid the skin of toxins during the night. Don’t go overboard with the exfoliation programme as being too harsh could have a negative impact so rather stick to gel or water-based products. 

Rather opt for a gentle, no alcohol toner for combination skins. Moisturising combination skin can be a tricky one, as you need to limit the application on the T-zone and concentrate on the dryer areas of your face.

For Sensitive Skin

Winter skincare for sensitive skin during the winter months is important as many ingredients do not agree with sensitive skin types. Choose products that work with your skin and do not contain harmful ingredients. Try keeping your environment moist with a humidifier and use gentle cleansing creams with a natural base that is softer on the skin. Exfoliating scrubs can be too severe so use for a washcloth for a light rub. 

The use of non-alcoholic toners can alleviate skin inflammation as it restores the pH levels in the skin. Skincare for acne-prone skin in winter requires the above attention during the winter months and make sure that your moisturiser is suitable for sensitive skin types.

Seasonal skincare routine

General Tips and Recommendations

Drink enough water, maintain a consistent skincare regime, and wear sunblock every day. Skincare products for winter should include the right cleanser and toner for your skin to ensure the correct hydration. Also use a moisturiser day and night and include sunscreen daily.

Effective Cosmetic Procedures for Winter

Some cosmetic procedures that are recommended during winter are skin resurfacing and plastic surgery. It’s the perfect time for your skin to heal from any procedures as it is easier to stay indoors so your skin can recuperate. Additionally, there is less exposure to harsher UV rays and it is the ideal season to prepare your skin for summer.

Pigmentation Treatment: What Methods Really Work?

Skin pigmentation is the variation in a person’s normal skin color where melanin gathers in an area creating a dark spot that varies in size. There are many types of hyperpigmentation, such as sunspots (liver spots), which are caused by sun exposure over time. There are many methods for remedying pigmentation, but the best treatment for pigmentation on the face is generally clinical pigment reduction.

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is patches of the skin that becomes darker than the surrounding areas caused by the increase in melanin. Melanin is the substance in the skin’s outer layer cells that when exposed to the sun, melanin is produced causing the skin to darken.

Melanin protects the skin from the sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays, and some areas may be affected differently to others causing age spots, birthmarks, freckles, and sunspots. These stand out as darker areas than the rest of your natural complexion and laser treatment for pigmentation is an effective option to reduce the appearance of dark spots.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the result of injury or inflammation of the skin and Melasma is a common skin condition prevalent in pregnant women. It is stimulated by hormonal increases and also worsened with exposure to UV light. It occurs deeper in the skin’s dermis than regular pigmentation, which can be more difficult to remove.

A dermatologist can correctly diagnose and recommend various clinical treatments available.

Birthmarks on woman's back

What are popular options to treat pigmentation?

Pigmentation is a common skin condition and there are various treatment options available on the market ranging from over the counter medication to laser treatment for dark skin pigmentation. Various applications need to be done by professionals who are familiar with different processes that include chemical peels and laser treatment.

Chemical peels use a stronger acid concentration to treat the affected skin area and work by removing the epidermis or top layer of the skin. There are deeper versions that penetrate into the dermis or lower layers of the skin to produce more dramatic results. Laser peeling uses targeted beams of light to destroy skin cells that will then encourage new growth with normal pigmentation.

What are the popular ways to treat pigmentation at home?

The majority of home medications include over-the- counter (OTC) medication like lightening creams, face acids, and retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A. These are among the oldest OTC remedies used with small molecules allowing deep penetration into the skin layers.

Lightening creams are a topical application in a cream or gel form, which are typically a more affordable option. They help to decrease pigmentation but may take longer to work. These products are also available in stronger doses but only when prescribed by a doctor.

Additional options are available for anti-pigmentation treatment at home, which include natural remedies. Some of these are apple cider vinegar, which contains acetic acid and may lighten pigmentation although this is not guaranteed. Aloe vera contains aloin, which is a natural depigmenting compound that lightens the skin. Other remedies include red onions, green tea extract, black tea water, and liquorice extract found in over the counter creams to name a few.

Anti-pigmentation treatment at home

Are they effective?

Dark spot pigmentation treatment at home can be very effective depending on the level of the pigmentation on the skin and what type of blemish it is, taking into consideration that very dark spots are generally a few layers into the dermis of the skin and would require a person to seek medical advice. Hyperpigmentation is a cosmetic issue, which does not pose any real threat other than the appearance on the skin.

What is laser pigmentation treatment?

Laser pigmentation removal is one of the most advanced treatments available on the market today. These specially designed lasers focus only on the darkened pigmentation and do not affect the surrounding tissue. This type of treatment uses different types of laser applications to treat various pigmentation issues. Freckles pigmentation treatment is a quick non-invasive process and can take as little as 1-3 treatments to remove.

How does it work?

Skin pigmentation treatment is available in the UK and uses lasers that produce wavelengths of high energy pinpoint light, which is then converted into heat energy. These can be focused on specific areas of pigmentation. As the laser light is only absorbed by the darker areas of pigmentation, the surrounding skin remains unaffected by the heat source.

Are there any side effects?

Generally, there are minimal side effects with laser pigmentation removal, however, there may be a little discomfort after the application with a slight reddening and mild swelling of the skin around the treated area. This discomfort can be relieved with the use of an ice pack applied to the skin. One should not consider treatments too close together as the skin needs to heal properly and regenerate new growth between applications.

Skin with birthmarks

What effects can be expected from home efforts to treat pigmentation?

Depending on the severity of the pigmentation, various home applications can be tried, however, they generally include a mild exfoliation, which does not penetrate deep enough into the skin to cause any permanent change. Topical cream treatments are designed to penetrate the skin’s protective layers.

Can laser treatment remove pigmentation? Yes, this is one of the most effective processes to reduce skin blemishes when carried out by a professional.

What effect can be expected from clinical laser pigment reduction, what benefits it provides?

Pigmentation removal treatment with the use of specialized laser equipment can dramatically reduce the visual impact dark spots have on the face and body. Depending on the severity of the pigmentation will determine the rate of reduction and the number of applications required as specified by your practitioner. Subsequent to clinical laser reduction treatment, you can use makeup conceals areas when the patients feel self-conscious while the process is happening.

Key Differences Between Cryolipolysis And Cavitation

Cryolipolysis and Cavitation are two recognized beneficial treatments to aid in fat removal by using non-surgical technology. Both of these procedures facilitate the disruption of cells to remove fat deposits in the areas of concern. Lipo cavitation is a method that destroys fat cells via low-frequency sound waves whereas cryolipolysis, also known as fat freezing, uses cooling mechanisms to break down fat cells.

What are popular options to lose weight?

There are numerous ways in which people can achieve weight loss. There are mechanical methods that remove adipose tissue that are surgically invasive or there are non-invasive procedures such as liposuction, cryolipolysis, and cavitation treatment. Alternatively, some people choose to achieve weight loss naturally through means of physical exercise and calorie deficit eating habits.  

With non-invasive weight loss options becoming increasingly convenient and common, it is no surprise that cavitation and cryolipolysis in London have become significantly popular weight loss and fat removal treatments. These procedures are painless requiring no recovery time while simultaneously helping you transform your body.

What is cryolipolysis (fat freezing)?

Cryolipolysis, known as fat freezing, is a non-invasive procedure applied to problematic areas of the body in which a cooling process is used to provide localized fat reduction. As the name states, it involves freezing of the fat cells, causing them to eventually die off. The fat pocket that is targeted is frozen. Here, around 30% of the cells die off and the released fats, membranes, and toxins that were contained inside the fat cells are eliminated via the body’s lymphatic system.

What is cavitation (fat melting)?

Cavitation (liposuction) treatment is also known as ultrasonic cavitation, and it is a non-invasive method of liposuction treatment. In this procedure, low-frequency sound waves are produced and applied to the targeted area, which causes the fat cells to oscillate rapidly, resulting in a pressure build up within the fat cells. Once pressure is at its threshold, the fat cells break apart and the contents are released into the body.

Ultrasound cavitation body contouring treatment

What are the main differences between these procedures?

Even though both treatments facilitate the removal of fat in the body, the main difference is in the method of procedure. Ultrasonic cavitation is quite different from cryolipolysis in which the fat reduction method involves the application of ultrasound and low-frequency sound waves to achieve its effect.

This serves as an effective method in treating cellulite, more widespread fat and cavitation achieves body contouring results. In contrast, cryolipolysis operates with controlled low temperatures on the area of concern and is far more suitable and effective in treating more specific fat accumulation and fat pockets that can be grabbed.

Each cavitation fat treatment session lasts approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour and 6-12 treatments with a 5-7 day period between each session are recommended for optimal results (removal of up to 12cm of fat). These results vary from person to person and patients often see a big difference in the reduction of fat within 6-12 weeks. 

Cryolipolysis, on the other hand, is a once off, 45-minute to 1 hour treatment that can take    6-10 weeks to see full results.  A more effective outcome can be combined with dietary factors as well.  

The results of cavitation/fat melting treatment are perceived to appear faster as opposed to cryolipolysis, where results only start to appear and be noticeable after a month of treatment. However, the results of cryolipolysis are more stable and long term compared to cavitation. Cavitation requires a greater number of treatment sessions to achieve similar effects.

Is lipo cavitation safe? Yes, and so is cavitation. Both procedures are pain-free with very few risks. The possible side effects of cavitation may include bruising, slight skin irritation and/or presentation of a pink colour on the treated area of the skin. With cryolipolysis, bruising, numbness of the area and/or pigmentation can occur as a result of treatment.


How are they conducted?

Cavitation is administered with the use of an ultrasound device and a paddle type applicator. Here, low frequency ultrasonic waves are applied using the applicator over the fatty tissue. The ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and produce fine ultrasonic vibrations within the fat cells. This causes the fat cells to break away from each other and are eventually absorbed by your lymphatic system.

With cryolipolysis, a Cryo Head is used and placed over the fatty pocket. This machine physically sucks up the pocket of fat and freezes it to approximately -6°C. This cooling technique penetrates about 2cm below the surface of the skin, freezing the fat cells and causing them to die off. This reduces the amount of adipose tissue by interrupting the homeostatic temperature of the epidermis.

What are the benefits of both cryolipolysis and cavitation?

Cavitation and cryolipolysis at clinics are non-invasive and non-surgical procedures that require no anaesthetics and often have minimal to no side effects. Depending on the method you chose, cavitation targets a reduction in widespread fat and aids in cellulite reduction whereas cryolipolysis offers permanent reduction of specific fat pockets on the body. All in all, they both facilitate in the reduction of localized fat through a pain-free application, leaving no scarring or marks while also tightening the skin. A great advantage is that both procedures allow you to continue with your normal daily activities immediately after the treatment process with zero downtime required.

What to expect from them?

Through these procedures, one can expect a reduction in localized or widespread fat and/or contouring of certain body parts while treating cellulite and improving skin elasticity. Most of these results are relatively permanent with the correct healthy eating habits put in place to improve maintenance. During the procedure, some may experience slight discomfort due to the ultrasonic noise from the fat freezing or a cold sensation from the cryolipolysis machines, however, this inflicts no harm on the patient.

When does your skin start to age?

Aging is an irreversible and continual process that affects the skin, organs, muscles, and bones. It is a natural process and inescapable process. However, through anti-aging skin care, healthy lifestyles, and habits it is possible to prevent premature aging where harmful practices can accelerate the process.

What is skin aging?

Skin aging is a result of changes occurring in the structure and function of the dermis. Visible effects are characterized by skin dehydration, thinning, and the loss of elasticity. Anti-aging treatments are effective in reducing the noticeable signs of skin aging that’s caused by a decrease in natural oil production and diminishing fat in the skin layers.

Causes of Skin Aging

The number one cause of skin aging is getting older. However, there are other factors that contribute to the process with the primary cause being sun exposure. It breaks down connective tissue and causes age spots on the skin. Environmental pollutants, stress, smoking, overindulgence in alcohol, and bad diets stimulate the natural aging process.

most effective anti aging facial treatment

Main stages of skin aging

It is not a secret that your skin changes as you age. It starts by noticing a few lines, maybe some discoloration, or a loss in volume or elasticity. And the skincare products and regime you used in your twenties may not be as effective when you’re in your forties. Having anti-aging facial treatments early as possible can help keep your skin looking young and supple.

What happens in your 20s

Most skin issues occur from sun damage, lack of sleep and more stress. This results in the skin looking dull with frequent breakouts. When you’re in your twenties, there’s also a higher risk of participating in unhealthy lifestyles that will have long-lasting effects.

pretty mid age woman after makeover

What happens in your 30s

This is a transitional period where there’s typically more stability and healthier lifestyles. It’s a good age to invest in anti-aging skin care products that work such as serums and dermatologically approved moisturizers. However, it is also a common age for women to start babies and pregnancies can play havoc on the skin. On average, the most obvious skin changes are sunspots, uneven skin tones, and the skin could start feeling a bit thinner with more noticeable wrinkles.

What happens in your 40s

Major skin changes start to happen in your forties. You start losing firmness and the skin can appear saggy. If you spent your life in the sun, this is when the damage really shows with sunspots and pronounced wrinkles. The most effective anti-aging facial treatments at this age will be dermal fillers, facial peels, and laser therapies.

What happens in your 50s

Hormonal shifts with decreasing estrogen and increasing androgens cause the skin to lose elasticity and become thinner. Bone resorption results in less volume, more dryness, and even acne breakouts. Having regular anti-aging facials in London can help with excessive pigmentation, hydration, and spots.

Aged woman

How to slow down skin aging?

While we cannot stop or slow down the body’s aging process, there are some things we can influence to reduce premature skin aging. Making healthy environmental and lifestyle choices are preventative actions that can be effective. Visit an anti-aging doctor in London who can provide sound advice on the best anti-aging skincare routines.

Ways to fight this process

Regardless of your age, it is never too late to make changes that can benefit your skin. Anti-aging treatments in London are the perfect way to kickstart the best skincare routines while making the following changes to your lifestyle:

  • Always use sunscreen and consider self-tanners instead of sun exposure.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Cleanse and moisturize your skin daily.

3 Steps to Prepare Your Skin For Facial Treatment

If you haven’t had a facial at Dermagical before or it’s been a while since you had one, there are some do’s and don’ts to make sure you and your skin are well-prepared. To get optimal and long-lasting results from your facial treatment in London, follow these three basic steps to ensure your skin is ready for a much-needed detox.

Why it’s important to prepare your skin before professional facials

Before you go out for a run, you put on the right clothing and do some stretching. Before you go to the dentist, you brush your teeth. And before you go for an acne facial in London, there are things you need to do to get the most from your treatment.

Facials are important to prevent and treat skin problems, especially during seasonal changes when your skin adapts to different temperatures. This is when a deep cleansing facial in London is key to looking after your skin.

What facial treatments demand a preliminary skincare regime?

Facials are done by experts who know what to do according to your skin type. There are many different types of facial treatments available so whether you’re going for deep exfoliation, skin peel, or glycolic facial peel, it’s important to remember that the dermatologist will use specific chemicals and techniques to penetrate the skin layers.

This is why you should follow the recommended steps of what to do before and after your treatment for the best results.

deep cleansing facial london

3 Main Steps Before Every Facial

There are few things that you mustn’t do at least a week before your facial appointment. Avoid tanning, going to the sauna, shaving, waxing, home facials, and even doing a light exfoliation as they can all cause your skin to react. Focus on these three basic but important facial treatment steps prior to undergoing treatment.


Before your facial aesthetics treatment, do a gentle face cleanse using a calming face wash to remove makeup and dirt. Avoid face wipes that contain alcohol and chemicals as it will dry out the skin. Ensure your hands are clean and use lukewarm water and once finished, use a clean towel to pat the skin dry.


The next step before your facial aesthetics treatment is to apply a quality moisturizer. Moisturizing is essential to protect the skin as it helps the outer layer function optimally while adding hydrating deeper layers. A good moisturizer supplements the skin with fatty acids and ceramides to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.


The last step in preparing for your facial cleansing treatment in London is to apply sunscreen. After cleansing and moisturizing, you want to protect your skin from UV rays before having treatment. Any sunburn will make your facial uncomfortable and could result in inflammation and tenderness.

woman skin care

Post-treatment Care

Although your dermatologist at a facial aesthetic clinic in London will provide tips on aftercare treatment, you can follow these general rules for great skincare after a facial. If you had a facial in London for acne, your skin will need time to relax and breath, so don’t use any special ointments or acne home treatments for a few days after.

General rules for post-treatment skincare

Your skin will be in great condition after a facial, so you don’t need to wash or exfoliate until the next day. In fact, you won’t need to exfoliate for a few days.  Avoid wearing makeup until the next day, drink plenty of water, and avoid the sun.

Keep up a healthy skin care routine to help the effects of a facial last longer and retain that smooth and soft texture.