
When does your skin start to age?

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Aging is an irreversible and continual process that affects the skin, organs, muscles, and bones. It is a natural process and inescapable process. However, through anti-aging skin care, healthy lifestyles, and habits it is possible to prevent premature aging where harmful practices can accelerate the process.

What is skin aging?

Skin aging is a result of changes occurring in the structure and function of the dermis. Visible effects are characterized by skin dehydration, thinning, and the loss of elasticity. Anti-aging treatments are effective in reducing the noticeable signs of skin aging that’s caused by a decrease in natural oil production and diminishing fat in the skin layers.

Causes of Skin Aging

The number one cause of skin aging is getting older. However, there are other factors that contribute to the process with the primary cause being sun exposure. It breaks down connective tissue and causes age spots on the skin. Environmental pollutants, stress, smoking, overindulgence in alcohol, and bad diets stimulate the natural aging process.

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Main stages of skin aging

It is not a secret that your skin changes as you age. It starts by noticing a few lines, maybe some discoloration, or a loss in volume or elasticity. And the skincare products and regime you used in your twenties may not be as effective when you’re in your forties. Having anti-aging facial treatments early as possible can help keep your skin looking young and supple.

What happens in your 20s

Most skin issues occur from sun damage, lack of sleep and more stress. This results in the skin looking dull with frequent breakouts. When you’re in your twenties, there’s also a higher risk of participating in unhealthy lifestyles that will have long-lasting effects.

pretty mid age woman after makeover

What happens in your 30s

This is a transitional period where there’s typically more stability and healthier lifestyles. It’s a good age to invest in anti-aging skin care products that work such as serums and dermatologically approved moisturizers. However, it is also a common age for women to start babies and pregnancies can play havoc on the skin. On average, the most obvious skin changes are sunspots, uneven skin tones, and the skin could start feeling a bit thinner with more noticeable wrinkles.

What happens in your 40s

Major skin changes start to happen in your forties. You start losing firmness and the skin can appear saggy. If you spent your life in the sun, this is when the damage really shows with sunspots and pronounced wrinkles. The most effective anti-aging facial treatments at this age will be dermal fillers, facial peels, and laser therapies.

What happens in your 50s

Hormonal shifts with decreasing estrogen and increasing androgens cause the skin to lose elasticity and become thinner. Bone resorption results in less volume, more dryness, and even acne breakouts. Having regular anti-aging facials in London can help with excessive pigmentation, hydration, and spots.

Aged woman

How to slow down skin aging?

While we cannot stop or slow down the body’s aging process, there are some things we can influence to reduce premature skin aging. Making healthy environmental and lifestyle choices are preventative actions that can be effective. Visit an anti-aging doctor in London who can provide sound advice on the best anti-aging skincare routines.

Ways to fight this process

Regardless of your age, it is never too late to make changes that can benefit your skin. Anti-aging treatments in London are the perfect way to kickstart the best skincare routines while making the following changes to your lifestyle:

  • Always use sunscreen and consider self-tanners instead of sun exposure.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Cleanse and moisturize your skin daily.
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